Friday, December 24, 2010

Twas The Day Before Christmas

...and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a Mom.  (I've never seen a mouse here, thank goodness).

Yet, here I sit, having coffee, knowing full well I have a bit more shopping to do, a whole bunch of wrapping.  The grocery store awaits, and well, I'd like a tidy background for all those fabulous photos we'll be taking.  So the house needs to be picked up.  And, we have to leave in 15 minutes so the kids can get their flu vaccines.  Yes, late on that one too.

Yet, here I sit.

Every year, even though life gets busier and more complicated, I have to insist that I sit and relax, breathe and not care one bit about the imperfections.  It's hard to concentrate on good things when there is a great number of things to worry about.  But here I go.

Younger, diet-challenged boy asked for Shepherd's Pie for Christmas dinner, because of "you know, all the shepherds at the first Christmas."  A Christmas miracle!  I don't have to fret over making a complicated, fancy dinner.  Oh, and yeah, my kid showed his unique and wonderful way he has of looking at things.  Shepherd's Pie for Christmas means someone has spent time thinking of the actual reason we celebrate Christmas.  I will forever smile at the thought of Shepherd's Pie.

My older son remains just 13, but continues to morph into a man, rather, into a guy.  Let's be real here.  Nearly 6' of body does not make one an adult.  Although it does make him think he is an adult.  But today I think good thoughts.  Watching this happen really is amazing, and I'll focus on the good way.  Kids are supposed to grow up and he is doing a fine job of it.  And I just have to look at the clumsily wrapped present for me from him under the tree to smile, and be reminded that he is still my boy.

.....12 hours later!  The day is done, the shopping finished, the presents wrapped (except for that one I bought way back in October and cannot find).

I think I hear Rudolph and the other reindeer coming ...

1 comment:

  1. I am awaiting the sound of footsteps of grown children coming down the stairs. Have a beautiful Christmas Day! Bonnie
