Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Dear Driver,

Tonight, I was just about to go through a green light when I heard an ambulance.  I slowed safely and stopped as I couldn't see where the emergency vehicle was.  YOU honked your horn at me, with quite a great deal of urgency, if I might add.  It's simple.  The rule is you safely stop and wait for the emergency vehicle screeching at you passes.  I just wish people would relax, and not think the law applies to everyone but them.

And I am not saying where this happened.  The drivers in this particular region of the US, known for their impatience and rudeness, deserve their privacy.


I commit to making this blog as beautiful and fun and (sometimes)  as informative as so many of the blogs I follow.  Soon.  Mostly because I have no idea why my blog looks like this.  But there are so many questions to answer in the world today, I am not going to worry about it.